“A Conversation on LOVE” FATHER – DAUGHTER đź’Ž

Hello everyone!!

I heard a very sweet conversation yesterday and I want to share it with all of you.

My uncle tells his daughter that I will die when you grow up and when you get married. So her daughter says, Papa(father) why are you saying Papa, you will never die. So his father tells that when a person gets old and no one knows when they will die. So she tells her father, then I will decide when you will die. So she thinks for two-three minutes and then says “Papa will die where the counting ends

I am proud and blessed that she is my cousin and we were all sitting in a room and we all became so emotional how this 5 year old girl can speak this line.

Who can say such beautiful words? Whoever does not want anything from you except love, and in this we see something similar because a daughter only wants love from her father.

“To her, the name of father was another name for love.” – Fanny Fernđź’›

From this I also saw that the emotional development of the child is developing because she is getting very emotional about her father here. Emotional development is vital in helping children grow into well adjusted adults. Being able to identify different feelings, express them (through words) and process the difficult emotions enables children to be healthy emotionally. This is the development of feelings and emotions.

Welcoming Environment:)

Hey Everyone! I’m going to be doing something a lit bit different today. I’m not going to be talking about this much, but I just felt led to do this today. So, I ask if you are a parent or facilitator
“Do you want to give a positive environment to your child or negative?”

I am asking you all this as a friend. I think if our future generation environment will be very good then it will be good for everyone. So, where would you go? Would you go to heaven or would you go to hell?

Yes, I know you all want to go to heaven;) If we all have to become, then we have to take a small step.

We have to give a positive environment for our children. And it is very important in the first five years. We should trust them, care for them, support them, and keep them independent and let them explore the environment. Not only this, but we should also do more and that is we should teach them that if we belong with a diverse population, then diversity is too important for us, then we should not discriminate against anyone.

It is very important to tell them this and it is also for us that we should give respect to everyone, whether it is religion, gender, disability/ability, age, family status, etc..

Respect everyone equally, celebrate diversity, and feel comfortable with difference.

The way you parent your children not only just affects the physical outlook of their life but also the emotional perspective of their personalities, how they learn to see and translate things around themselves. What sort of qualities they develop. What kind of human being they grow up to be. These small yet very deep-rooted concepts of human life are largely determined by parenting, specifically the early years.

Let’s build lifelong skills:)


Hello Everyone, This is a long one – But important for all who are serious about child care. In this blog, I will focus on what proper nutrition for children means to us.

Everyone wants their child to feel good and healthy. To thrive both physically and mentally. What your child has eaten today will have an effect on their health, both now and in the future. And maybe you have heard that “what we eat affects us”.

Let’s start with a story

Once there was a little girl, she liked toffee and chocolate very much. Now all the relatives of that girl and the family member knew, that girl loves chocolates and toffees. Whenever a relative comes to her house, he/she would bring her chocolates. And still bring;)

(It happens that if a child cries then the parents give him his favorite thing.) Her parents also used to do something similar and gave her chocolate every time she cried.

What happened to that girl after a few years?

All her teeth that were coming new got worms. That little girl had a lot of pain in her teeth. Trust me because that girl was me.My teeth are still bad and it’s been for a lifetime that if I eat something sweet, my teeth get pained.

You must have understood from this story that if we are giving something to the child, it can affect its lifetime (good as well as bad)


“A” Active play

▪︎Physical activity helps develop a sense of well being and confidence.

▪︎It improves the digestive system of your child.

▪︎It helps him absorb all the necessary nutrients acquired from outside meals.

“B” Staying Basic

▪︎Feeding your toddler what you eat cannot be possible. hence there has to be a separate diet chart for your toddler.

▪︎Feeding him on many intervals is considered healthy than feeding him on a larger interval.

▪︎Adding extra salt, spice or sugar will harm.

▪︎Keep all the meals simple and form a variety of sources.

“C” Vitamin c

▪︎Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that the body utilizes to keep our immune system healthy and active.

▪︎Since kids are more prone to common cold and flu, it becomes essential to have an extra source from outside through food to have a stronger immune system.

▪︎Vitamin C is considered safe when ingested from fruits and vegetables.

Do you know, you can also help your children be happier through healthy eating?

What do you have to do if you are giving food to the child, then decorate it a little and give it. Make it something new once a week and it should be healthy. And if the child is eating and dropping himself/herself, then let him/her eat as he/she is eating.

Good nutrition is a prerequisite for good health. Please realize every child is different, they will react differently to foods( even from day to day) and they will have personal favorites and things that they dislike, and that is okay. Never force a child to eat. Just try later and if not, save it for another day.


Hello Everyone, I want to talk to all of you about the most critical aspect of childhood. This blog is primarily for parents and early childhood educators.


Storytelling is the oldest form of teaching. You remember that in childhood or still. When someone told us the story, we understand very well after listening to the story.

Yes! The same happens with a child. Let’s start with a short story.

Once upon a time, the girl asks her mother, “Mom, girls cannot do police jobs.” (This girl is three years old who is asking such question). So the girl’s mother says that “no baby, anyone can do the job of the police.” So the girls say, “No mother, but only boys use the gun.”
There is a large trap behind this story. Let me tell you, this three years old girl comes to hear a story from her facilitator that explained: “what the police do.” Her facilitator must have shown her a policeman’s pictures. Now it comes to why she was not shown the photos of a policewoman. If that girl were shown a picture of a policewoman, she would never ask such a question. This trap is hazardous for our children, and we should remove it. Tell the story to the children, let them know the reality.


I was narrating a story to my younger brother. Once, when he was four years old. He asked me, “sister, when the earth rotates, then why is our house not rotating.”
And then I explained all about it. But I believe from this is the story, a child uses his imagination power and his brain develops. A child gets knowledge from a story. If you want to give your child experience, then through a story, you can provide expertise to your child. You can tell them about anything with storytelling.

A few days ago, I saw a video on Facebook. So one girl was watching T.V. in that video. And she started crying a lot. So her mother asks, “Why are you crying?”
So the little girl says that the dinosaur can’t find her mother. So I had to tell you that a story also brings emotions to the child.


Stories play a vital role in the growth of the development of children. But stories do not just develop child’s development, literacy and reading skills, etc. They convey cultures, history, values, social norms, and attitudes.

Storytelling is a unique way for children to develop an understanding, respect. It can promote a positive attitude to people from different religions. The story also improves listening skills.

Parents have to pay attention when reading out stories for children. If you want your child to understand the story and listen carefully, you have to read out the stories with voice modulation. And you can also use puppets and use body movements while telling stories to your child. It will bring creativity to your child. He/she will understand everything.


▪︎ THE HAPPY EGG – by Ruth Krauss

▪︎ SHEEP IN THE JEEP – by Nancy and Margot Apple

▪︎ BABY HAPPY, BAY SAD – by Leslie petricelli

▪︎ THE FAMILY BOOK – by Toddparr

▪︎ SAME, SAME BUT DIFFERENT- by Jenny sue Kostecki-shaw

▪︎ THE GRUFFALO – by Julia Donaldson

If you want your children to be smart, tell them stories. If you want them to be brilliant, tell them more stories.- Albert Einstein

Not every culture in the world is literate, but every single culture defines and tells stories.


Hello everyone, As we are discussing series of early childhood from previous blogs, I felt it’s equally important -it’s nothing but most important TERM “CHILD DEVELOPMENT “I throw some light on this topic. This blog is specially for the parents who want to enhance the development of the child.



The Child development refers to the process by which a child grows and changes throughout their life. Development determined by the Genes that are passed on to us by our parents and is influenced and modified by environmental factors such as nutrition, living conditions, and everything that we experience at each stage of our lives.” The difference between growth and development”
 For example:- physical growth means that children grow in height and weight, whereas physical development means that children gain skills through being able to control their own bodies.


PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT is the way in which the body increases in skill and becomes more complex in its performance. For example:- sitting, walking, standing, throwing, movements, use of hands and fingers for pointing, doing up shoe-laces etc.

COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT is development of the mind the part of the brain that is used for recognizing, knowing, reasoning, and understanding. For example:- the ability to understand concentration, imagination and creativity, attention, memory and problem solving.

LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT is structured system that conveys meaning. Language is more formal than communication, following a set of rules that allows user to express new ideas. For example:- listening to others talking, copying the sounds made by others and making sounds to attract attention. Body language:- facial expression, eye contact, touching and reaching for objects.

EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT is the development of feelings and emotions. For example:- newborn baby will cry to express hunger and discomfort.

 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT includes the development of the child’s relationship with other people. For example:- developing trust, respect for others, confidence, self-respect, sharing etc.


The children developmental basic needs of food, water, warmth and shelter, there are four significant developmental needs that have to be met from birth. These are:- the need for love and security, the need for new experiences, the need for praise and recognition and the for responsibility.


EVERYTHING. The words they hear. The touches they get, whether hugs. The things they see, including the interactions between family members and others, the show’s on the T. V and printed materials around them.The thing’s child do and how family members react. Parents should think about their actions around a child. Children are sponges, they soak up everything. 


 My cousin’s sister was younger. So her mother used to talk with screaming. And the way she used to speak, my sister also started talking that way. In this, we can not tell anyone’s fault but how much effect an environment has on the child is seen.

With a short example, I had to convince you that parents’ role is too significant for child development. It is all in the hands of parents to give their child a pleasant environment in the early years.

And maybe you all have heard this “if you do any activity, the child will also do that activity after seeing it.”

If you have a little doubt in these lines, then try it out.


Talk lovingly to the baby and give them the opportunity to respond.

Encourage bounding with the main carer by enjoying the relationship. 

Use bright colors.

Provide an opportunity for the baby to feel the freedom and explore the environment.

Each child is unique person, each child will need what is “just right” from them at the appropriate point of development, that is, not too early, but just right. What helps child will not necessarily help another. Different children need different sorts of help in learning. 

Hope you find this blog helpful.


Hello Everyone, we all know kids of all ages love to play either by themselves or with other children. What we may not know, though, is the importance of Play in early childhood.


Play is a critical part of a child’s development. Play is the thing that teaches the child how to solve their problems, think, and, most importantly, have fun as an emotional outlet.


▪︎Play in childhood is significant for children’s development.

▪︎Play allows the child to develop imagination and creativity.

▪︎Play allows the child to discover, experiment, imagine, create, test, persevere, and grow.

▪︎ Children learn everything through play.

â–  Play in early childhood essential for children to fully develop play up children learn rules and what to expect in different situations as children get older Play teaches them how to act appropriately in society let us break down types of Play.


▪︎OCCUPIED PLAY starts at a young age when children are just infants. Kids will move around a lot with no apparent purpose. This is the beginning stage of Play in early childhood.

▪︎SOLITARY PLAY begins when children are about three months old and goes until they are toddlers. During this time, children are very busy playing on their own and most likely will not notice other children around them. They are busy rattling and grabbing different objects.

▪︎ONLOOKER PLAY happens during this time; children are learning how to relate to other children and learning language because of this, they will spend much time watching other children play will not make any effort to join it.

▪︎PARALLEL PLAY happens from 18 months old to 2 years old. Children will begin to play next to each other but will not interact with each other during parallel Play. Children learn other property rights ideas.

▪︎ASSOCIATIVE PLAY starts at the age of three or four. Children become much more interested in other children than the toys; this Play helps them learn the do and don’ts of getting along with others. It also teaches them how to share and develop problem-solving skills.

▪︎SOCIAL PLAY can start around three years old. In this type of play, children begin to interact with other children. In the in-play setting, they start to share toys and ideas and begin to use moral reasoning in their Play.

▪︎PHYSICAL PLAY is when children run, jump, and play games like hiding & Seek. Physical Play is essential for exercise and muscle strength; this is where kids learn to take turns and accept winning or losing.

▪︎CONSTRUCTIVE PLAY begins as an infant and continuously grows as the child gets older. Constructive Play is all about creating things like drawing and playing with blocks. This type of play allows children to explore objects.

▪︎EXPRESSIVE PLAY helps children learn how to express their feelings. To allow these children to play with paints, crayons, markers, colored pencils, clay, and water. The facilitator and parents encourage the child to do expressive Play.

▪︎ FANTASY PLAY allows children to create and think in different ways like stretch their imagination and use new words.

▪︎ COOPERATIVE PLAY begins in the late preschool age and is mainly comes into a group play; usually, there is one group leader, and they begin to play games with rules. Some of those games follow the leader and team sports; these games teach children that life has many rules that everyone must follow.

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. However, for children, play is serious learning. Play is the work of childhood.”


Hey Everyone, Ceativity is very important for a child’s development. Let’s talk about it.

what is creativity ?

I asked this question to a lot of people and I received most of the responses that creativity lies in drawing, craft work, painting, dance, music only.

All these answers are right, according to those people but creativity is more than that. It turns any thing into reality.

â–ŞLet’s start with a short story to understand it.

Once upon a time, in a house food was made in a very traditional way by sitting down on the kitchen floor. There was a child in that house. The child saw how his mother was making chapati. And one day that child also made chapati but without gas. Can you guess how?

Answer can be through PRETEND, IMAGINATION…

â—Ź Creativity plays an important role for children’s early development in all domains like cognitive,  language, social, emotional skills as well as physical skills. 

â—Ź Creativity is a part of child development.  Due to which the child can also solve his problem and if a good idea comes to his mind, then the imagination power also intensifies. 

â—Ź Through creativity, children can also be encouraged to and find it easier to express experiences which they otherwise find difficult to share.

â—Ź When a child sees someone doing something,  he/she is also awakened to do. (Like I told in the story)


â—Ź Creativity leads to child development. 

â—Ź Creativity help children to explore their emotions both displaying and regulating them. 

â—Ź Parents should support their children in creative ideas. 

â—Ź Creativity enhances the child’s attention,  concentration and imagination power. 

â—Ź Creativity give the child a chance to solve his/her  problem. 
â—Ź Creative experiences provide opportunities for children to express and demonstrate their knowledge in interesting and meaningful ways. 

â—Ź It is important to keep in mind that each child develops differently and each child approaches creative experiences differently. 

Let your child’s inner creativity awaken. Give your child space and freedom. The creativity of the child will come out from inside itself.

â–  Here I suggest some activities to nurture creativity of young children:- 

â—Ź DRAMA:- 
• Make a puppet theater in your house. You can use a simple puppet (cardboard puppet). You can tell your child to make  a puppet for herself/himself. Imagine, your children have made the teacher’s puppet, he/she will play the role of the teacher.

•If you are telling a story to your child, then also give him a role. It could be doctors, mothers, fathers, shopkeepers, policeman, telephone conversation, going to the shop whatever your child likes.


•In this activity you need balloon and painting colours. And ofcourse need a little space for fun.

• Fill the balloon with water for your child. Now give your child a balloon and let him colour it. This allows your child to remember the names of Colors as well.Kids enjoy it a lot. It will be called Fun with learning. 


• You can have a rhyme session at home. Encourage your child for all these things.

• Show  your child videos of animals. It seems to have that children enjoy a lot in making small sounds of animals and walking like them. You can also tell your child that “you can walk like any animal and I will tell which animal it is.” Kids will have a lot of fun.

•You can also tell your child to dance on his/her  favorite song.If the child is still not dancing then the parents  can dance with him/her. The child does whatever they see and if you dance, the child will also.The child will be even more happy  when parents dance with them .

Creativity matters a lot in early childhood development. Do not stop the creativity of the child, rather it should be given greatness. It will bring happiness to the child. “And nothing matters when happiness comes”.


Hello Everyone, I am Muskaan Jaitic. I’m pursuing my 2nd year Early Childhood Care Management And Entrepreneurship [ECCME] from Ambedkar University Delhi, Karampura Campus. One of my favourite things is to talk about Early Childhood Education. So I want to talk to all of you about a most important aspect of childhood i.e. early childhood education. I am writing my first blog ever. I hope this blog brings a constructive change in development of your child’s growth.

We start with 

â—ŹParents have a big role in early childhood. Infact, parents are extremely important for a child and every child needs parents a lot. Children can learn a lot of things from parents. Children are very good observers; they exhibit what they see & observe at home. So as a parent, it is extremely important to create a positive environment for the child to absorb.

â—Ź Parents are the ones who take their children outside for exploration. They must provide a healthy growth to children in a responsible manner. 

â—Ź As a parent and mentor, do not pressurize children and compare them with other children at such an early stage. Each child is special in his/her own way.Allow them to do what they want.

â—Ź The role of a parent can make a child grow very well. Parent is the only one who can complete all the needs of a child. 

Now the one, who is reading this remember your childhood  where parents had their own roles.


â—Ź Giving proper nutrition to the child.

â—Ź To pay attention to each and every development of the child.

â—Ź Interacting well with the child, playing with the child.
â—Ź Parents should be active listeners to their children. 

â—Ź Reading to children.

â—Ź Helping children to solve problems.
â—Ź To provide a sense of safety and exposure to the child.

â—Ź Help the child to meet their peer group  members.

I know every parent knows that this role is very important, but still I want to tell those who do not know about all this. And I will tell you all about this in the upcoming blog as to what is important in early childhood. 

I am doing a lot of research on this phase of early childhood. I will share all my important observations & outcomes with you, which I think could be useful in the progression of your child’s growth.